marți, 15 iulie 2014

True Blood: Season 7 Episode 4 'Death Is Not the End' Review

True Blood: Season 7 Episode 4 'Death Is Not the End' Review

The Eric Northman of 1996 looks like a Ken doll. A pristine, shiny, right out of the box Ken doll.

Episode four of True Blood had reunions and resolutions. There were awesome flashbacks with Eric and Pam, and how they ended up in Shreveport. The introduction to Ginger is priceless.

Sookie and Jason both have the unfortunate duties of informing Jackson Herveax and Hoyt Fortenbury that their loved ones are dead. Jason telling Hoyt was especially emotional given the fact that Hoyt no longer remembers who Jason is. Thanks, Jessica.

The reunion of Eric and Sookie is sweet and heartfelt. They truly missed each other. The pain and sadness in Sookie’s eyes when she sees Eric is infected is heartbreaking. I felt like I was watching their first meeting again. All those years ago in Fangtasia when Little Red Riding Hood met The Big Bad Wolf.

We learn just how long Jessica has gone without feeding. The immense guilt she feels for killing Adilyn’s sisters is to blame. She refuses to feed from Sookie given her fairy heritage so Lafayette is called to the rescue.
The good vamps take out the infected vamps. The human hostages are rescued. The super annoying members of the Bon Temps mob are killed (boo hoo).

There was no Lettie Mae or Tara this week. I am damn curious with how Tara is going to appear again. I’m sure it will involve Lafayette and his ability to summon the spirits. Sarah Newlin was also missing from this episode, but I’m sure she’ll be back next week, and I will still want her dead.

I enjoyed the hell out of this episode.

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